Showing posts with label Techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Techniques. Show all posts

Appearance and Singing with microphone

Appearance and Singing with microphone Appearances in singing really determine the success of a singer in a show. Therefore as a vocalist should really try to show him as possibl...

Singing Techniques

Simple Tips in animating the music accompaniment, that interact, especially with one instrument (if accompanied by more than one instrument)...

Musical Phrasing

Phrasing is beheading sentence music in portions shorter, but still have meaning union. Phrasing purpose is to be able to cut off music mo...

The Intonation

Intonation or sing exactly is the desire of every person who is a singer. For that there are some things that must be considered in intonat...

Cavity Resonance

Cavity Resonance In echoes of the problem, things that need to be considered by the vocalist was: recognize the resonance cavity , strengthen the walls o...


Resonance Resonance in Singing   Resonance is a phenomenon that has nothing to do with the number of cavities in the human body. Everyone was sin...

Articulation Syllables and Rules in Singing

Articulation Syllables and Rules in Singing Singing all syllables are concatenated, if there are two consonants lined, well-connected without beheading. Secrets of the speech clear...

Vowel Articulation Multiple (Diphthong)

Vowel Articulation Multiple (Diphthong) The letters that are preceded and followed by an open letter enclosed letters. For that is the pronunciation of the letter that precedes ...

Consonant Articulation

Consonant Articulation In the sing off letters should be pronounced clearly especially at the end of words, such as hand should not be a hant, and Kand not be ka...

Vowel Articulation

Vowel Articulation Formation of vowels depends on the attitude of the oral cavity, especially the tongue. The letter 'a': not everyone can pronounce ...

Articulation / Diction in Vocal

Articulation / Diction in Vocal Oral form or attitude during singing greatly affects the formation of the tones produced. A common mistake that occurred at the beginning ...

The Organs of Voice

The Organs of Voice The voice that is owned by a singer, the sound comes from the membranes contained in the base of the throat and supported by the other orga...

Correct Posture When Singing

Correct Posture When Singing To be able to perform sing well, required posture relaxed yet full of energy. A relaxed body is good and right attitude . Physically, the...

Good Breathing Exercises for Singing

Good Breathing Exercises for Singing Collection and expenditure of breath with mild implemented without tension and without any burden shrugged. Breath drawn not to the ful...

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic Breathing It should be noted that the basis to breathe properly is the balance between edgy attitude and slack attitude. For that body be relaxed, to ...

Types of Breathing in Singing

Types of Breathing in Singing In singing , breathing not only plays a role in creating the sound, but the sound you want from a song. Regular breathing will create a re...

Breathing For Singing

Breathing For Singing Vital organs that funnel air to the lungs are sound. However, not many people are using the lungs efficiently. Interests in terms of the ...

Vocal Music

Vocal Music Vocal music encyclopedia can be interpreted according to the human voice. In linguistics, vowel called vowels, it happened because the ca...

Importance of Improvisation in Music

Importance of Improvisation in Music An important note that must be considered in the improvisation: Melodies are developed wherever possible different rhythm patterns with an...

Practicing Improvisation - Characteristics Chord

Practicing Improvisation - Characteristics Chord Chord progressions in the song All I am is as follows: There are 6 (six) types of chords used in the song above, based on levels are as...

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