Showing posts with label Violin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Violin. Show all posts

Secrets of Stradivarius Violin

Secrets of Stradivarius Violin Does anyone know of a Stradivarius violin ? Of course they only answer the most expensive violins in the world. Of course there is a secret...

Differences One Piece and Two Piece Violin

Differences One Piece and Two Piece Violin At this time I will share information about the violin one of the factors that affect the sound or quality of the violin apart from the type...

Tips for Playing Violin

Learning the violin is not like learning school subjects in general. Require skills in addition to learning the violin though if the brain i...

Benefits Learning Violin

Self-taught, piano and guitar can be learned simply by looking at someone else play. But when we are faced with a musical instrument that d...

The Double Bass

The Double Bass A low-voiced stringed instruments in violin family is the double bass . Bass is also a great instrument that measures the height of more ...

Cello Instrument History

Cello developed from the bass violin, which at first Jambe de Fer refer to the year 1556, which is actually an instrument with three stri...

Viola and Orchestra

Viola and Orchestra Mozart in Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra in Es major, wrote the viola part in D major and requested that the viola ...

Musical Instruments Viola

Musical Instruments Viola Violin Alto or Viola , has a history similar to the violin . Materially the same viola, with a violin but bigger and proportion-proportion ...

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