Consonant Articulation


In the sing off letters should be pronounced clearly especially at the end of words, such as hand should not be a hant, and Kand not be kant. M, n and ng still be heard clearly. The letters which broke off as b, d, k, p, q, t have to really erupt. In l, d, t tongue functioned well. -Pronunciation consonant pronunciation requires special training and carefully, in order to master the fine articulation.

Various sounds in foreign languages ​​often lead to difficulty in pronunciation, for it before singing in a foreign language songs such as English, French, German, and as it should be consulted with a teacher or a language expert.

Consonant articulation brings a special expression expression:

  • The letter 'h' brings stately impression, for example: 'my land there lived a live country'. 'Ground spill my blood'
  • The letter 'r' makes impression happy, for example: 'cheer-cheer merry', 'flag'
  • The letter 'ng' gives the impression of a hope and a belief expressed aloud, for example: 'I saw the light, though not brilliant'
Dead letters are distinguished into: a silent consonant and a voiced consonant consonant is 'sound aids' for vowels. To mute letters need to be looked at, because in singing, deadly silent letters vowel sounds. In order words silent letters at the end of a word simultaneously, required a thorough workout. The letters are silent death consists of: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, p, s, t, kh, sy. While the letters off the voice are: l, m, n, r, v, y, z, ng.

Voiced consonant, when spoken have the resonance phenomenon and is a bridge between the two hiruf life. So the mood of the song to be light and floating. To form the letters off the sound, should pay attention to the discussion of resonance. All letters should be pronounced with a strong but lightweight, especially if used after a brief letter enclosed.

For membentuk'm 'clenched lips lightly and not pressed. No clenched teeth, oral cavity as possible. To establish 'n', lightly touching the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth. Time to form a 'ng' tip of the tongue is placed as saying 'a'.

In saying 'ng' sound the danger wedged in the neck. Often times there are even people whose voices contained 'ng' unnoticed. This is called a nasal voice (nasal). The way to revive is to recognize the sound of 'ng' itself which is then transferred to the vowel sounds.

Consonant Articulation 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta In the sing off letters should be pronounced clearly especially at the end of words, such as hand should not be a hant, and Kand not be ka...

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