Examples of Rhythm Patterns


Rhythmic pattern above is not the same as the existing rhythm patterns on the song 'all i am - heatwave'. Tone values ​​above the rhythmic pattern is not too difficult to play because it uses only the shape and not the value of a quarter, and eighth. Value is still not easy to sing and play musical instruments. Keep in mind that unless complicated rhythmic pattern is hard to sing and play well does not necessarily guarantee a higher value than the beauty of a simple rhythm patterns.

The song 'all i am - heatwave' has been determined that almost all of them use the chord seventh chords. Each chord has been known to pitch ladder. To be able to improvise a song, one important thing to master is to analyze the type akornya chords and scales, and chord progressions.

Songs above have bars 4/4 and pitched the base do = C. This means that the chord is a C chord level I (first) of the song, possess the same tone with the Ionian, D chord is a chord level II (the two) has a tone similar to dorian, E chord is a chord level III (the third), has the same tone with the Phrygian, and so on as described above matter.

Examples of Rhythm Patterns 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta Rhythmic pattern above is not the same as the existing rhythm patterns on the song 'all i am - heatwave' . Tone values ​​above ...

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