Gong Musical Instrument


Gong is very popular as a means of Javanese Gamelan Music. Gong instrument function marking the beginning and ending the piece and gives a sense of balance after the passage of the piece song long sentence. Gong is very important to mark the end unit of the basic tracks, so the group itself (ie sentences between two wasps song gong) is called gong. In addition to the above functions, gong can also serve as an important marker of the President or the person who would inaugurate a new place or organization in Southeast Asia.

Gong Musical Instrument

Gong musical instrument composed of two types, ie:
  1. Gong Ageng, is the largest in the Javanese gamelan gong and trusted as a spirit the Gamelan. Therefore, the gong is highly respected. Gong Ageng usually placed behind the Gamelan.
  2. Kempul, is gong hanging that has a smaller size than Gong Ageng. Gong were placed on a rope stretched over a wooden frame (where the wood is sometimes called Rancakan).

Gong Musical Instrument can be divided into several types, ie:

Bonang, is a set of gongs consists of ten to fourteen small gongs are arranged horizontally in two rows. There duamacam Bonang, ie: barung Bonang, Bonang ie a medium-sized, high-middle to high octave.
Panerus Bonang, Bonang ie small but tinggisatu octave pitch more than Bonang barung.

Kenong, is the biggest gong placed on a rope that stretched on wood frame. In some Gamelan, a wooden frame can contain 3 (three) Kenong.

Tap and Kempyang. Gong-gong was placed next to Kenong. Tap and Kempyang always placed in a wooden box.

Gong Musical Instrument 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta Gong is very popular as a means of Javanese Gamelan Music . Gong instrument function marking the beginning and ending the piece and gives ...

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