Showing posts with label Percussion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Percussion. Show all posts

Pitched Percussion Instruments

thumbnailPitched percussion generally have blades arranged in accordance with the principles of the keyboard. In relation to that some of this type can play standard melodies, harmonic intervals tones are sounded simultaneously. The sound produced by banged s…

Non Pitched Percussion

thumbnailAmong the percussion instruments that are not pitched bass drum; the side drum; the tenor drum; Tamborine and castanets; the triangle, cymbals, and gongs. Group of instruments or drum sets drum is played by one or two banged sticks on the membrane st…

Timpani Musical Instrument

thumbnail This instrument has a pedal mechanism that allows the player to change the voltage colfskin head, either to relax or tighten, to produce a high or low tone. These instruments include compulsory controlled by an orchestral percussionist. Timpani has …

Percussion Instruments

thumbnailOne of the instruments in the orchestra that specializes in rhythmic percussion is sexy. But unlike the popular music rhythm pattern continuously reads on, in order to maintain the tempo of the game ensembles, classical percussion in the orchestra us…

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