Creativity is like the wind: a glance, invisible and difficult to catch. Some people allow themselves to relax and relax, let the creativity come to their own. Some people even work hard to get creative. I'll tell you how you can do something that i…
Home > Posts filed under Education Music
Differences Playing Music and Learning Music
Almost everyone can "play music". For example, to play the guitar, someone quite within 15 minutes to learn 3 accord (chords) are C, F, G, and he was able to play the guitar to accompany the singing. "Play music" is categorized someone "in princip…
Differences One Piece and Two Piece Violin
At this time I will share information about the violin one of the factors that affect the sound or quality of the violin apart from the type of wood used. One other factor is the way of making the violin. In making the violin there are 2 kinds of way…
How To Choose a Best Music School
Learning Music at the School of Music is the right choice in order to acquire skills and knowledge in playing a musical instrument, in addition to hobby by learning music can help balance the left and right brain work. Because of the high public awar…
Learning with Music and Lyrics
Are you tired of constantly trying to learn English in the traditional way - simply by memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules? Although it can be very effective, it can be boring as well. Let us see how music can make English Study abroad easier and…
Saxophone Basic Technique
Seventy-five years since the discovery of Saxophone, saxophone finally began to be used in dance music. Saxophone are designed to have a soft tone, smooth, and balanced. That's why the saxophone to complement the sound of trumpets, drums, and bustle…
Tempo in Music
Understanding tempo in music is fast or slow song when sung in a music composition. A composer, usually determines the desired tempo song that was written on the left over the composition of his songs. The term due is usually in the form of words in …
Guitar Arpeggio Technique
Arpeggio is a way of playing a chord with not all at once but one by one. Not all guitarists can play a clean technique. The best way to learn is to first sweep picking technique is mastered separately after that coordinate. Basically, you have to le…
Acoustic Guitar Playing Techniques
In playing acoustic guitar we must consider the attitude or ordinance that play songs that we bring to work well. Therefore, try to play the guitar in the best possible position of the left hand and right hand to be able to move as freely as possibl…
Chromatic Tones
Chromatic tones are the tones that are between 2 tones within 1 (tone). For example, between C and D there is a tone of Cis / December The distance between the barrel is a half tone / semi-tone. The tones of the C major scales called chromatic tone, …
How to Pluck a Bass Guitar
How to pluck the bass guitar has 2 kinds namely the index and middle fingers, using a plectrum or pick. Pluck the index finger and middle finger: Playing techniques for using the right thumb rest stroke technique are fingering a chord then rests / br…
Bass Guitar Notation with Tablature
Bass tone is a sound that has a low frequency. In musical notation using low tones key signature F. Writing notation bass guitar often comes with tablature that shows the position of note on the fret. For more details see the following picture: Tabla…
How to Play Bass Guitar Finger Position
Learn to play bass or guitar is almost the same challenges, and the key is to be patient and diligent practice. The code used when play bass guitar finger position with code fingers on the bass guitar. Code fingers are:Left hand : the position of the…
Keroncong Vocal Style
Keroncong vocal style in presentation, many twisted and tends to slow down from the original beats. Delay in knocking because it was deliberately done to beautify twisted itself. Improvisation and ornamentation can be done very freely, as long as sti…
The Nature of Vocal
By its nature, the human voice can be classified into 4, with the advantages of each are dramatic, softly, coloratura, and dramatic blend softly. The nature of the first 'dramatic', the default sound more solid. The advantages that can be derived fr…
Influence of Music Against Children
Music is a powerful medium for children to help him to be more calm in expressing things that are (usually) hard they say. With music, a child can express his emotions were tumultuous. Various research studies have repeatedly shown that children can…
Appearance and Singing with microphone
Appearances in singing really determine the success of a singer in a show. Therefore as a vocalist should really try to show him as possible, so as to give the impression of glamor to attract the audience. There are several things to note in appearan…
Singing Techniques
Simple Tips in animating the music accompaniment, that interact, especially with one instrument (if accompanied by more than one instrument), because the instrument has a more pronounced sense of rhythm. Expression is the mastery of poetry, song, whi…
Musical Phrasing
Phrasing is beheading sentence music in portions shorter, but still have meaning union. Phrasing purpose is to be able to cut off music more accurate sentence appropriate for the sentence. Thus an attempt to reveal a song can be more close to the tru…
The Intonation
Intonation or sing exactly is the desire of every person who is a singer. For that there are some things that must be considered in intonation are: relaxed, not tense in singing, do not be afraid to achieved the high notes, confidence, concentration,…