Showing posts with label Instrument Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instrument Music. Show all posts

The Harmony of Science

thumbnailBasically the harmony of science is divided into two, namely conventional harmony and modern harmony. Conventional harmony learn how to make arrangements for choirs (vocal) by grouping types of voice soprano, alto, tenor, and bass is more popular or …

Pitched Percussion Instruments

thumbnailPitched percussion generally have blades arranged in accordance with the principles of the keyboard. In relation to that some of this type can play standard melodies, harmonic intervals tones are sounded simultaneously. The sound produced by banged s…

Non Pitched Percussion

thumbnailAmong the percussion instruments that are not pitched bass drum; the side drum; the tenor drum; Tamborine and castanets; the triangle, cymbals, and gongs. Group of instruments or drum sets drum is played by one or two banged sticks on the membrane st…

Differences in Classical and Acoustic Guitars

thumbnail There are some differences between the two guitars. The main difference is in the strings are used where classical guitar strings to use strings made of nylon so it is generally easier to play. Guitar It consists of a hollow body with a soundhole,…

The Saxophone Treat

thumbnail The Saxophone is a kind of musical instrument aerophone, these instruments have a source of air that produces sound by vibration. This saxophone musical instrument has a 18-20 hole conical valve / spare tones, made of thin metal. According to Boehm…

Music Ensemble

thumbnailIn ancient times, people create music solely for the sake of ritual. Along with the development of human civilization, musical instruments change. Previously, people who only use the body as an instrument and just be rhythmic. Music is my breath for …

Definition of Musical Arts

thumbnailExperts have suggested much meaning or definition of the art of music according to their understanding, but this module students are expected to make sense or definition according to its own ideas by referring to the opinions that have been ex…

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