Understanding tempo in music is fast or slow song when sung in a music composition. A composer, usually determines the desired tempo song that was written on the left over the composition of his songs. The term due is usually in the form of words in …
Home > Posts filed under Breathing
Good Breathing Exercises for Singing
Collection and expenditure of breath with mild implemented without tension and without any burden shrugged. Breath drawn not to the full and was not released until the end, because it would disturb the peace in the singing. The step-by-step exercise…
Diaphragmatic Breathing
It should be noted that the basis to breathe properly is the balance between edgy attitude and slack attitude. For that body be relaxed, to be able to breathe properly, such as the respiratory diaphragm below: breat…
Types of Breathing in Singing
In singing, breathing not only plays a role in creating the sound, but the sound you want from a song. Regular breathing will create a regular rhythm anyway, because breathing is a natural rhythm of human life. Type of breathing used in singing are:…
Breathing For Singing
Vital organs that funnel air to the lungs are sound. However, not many people are using the lungs efficiently. Interests in terms of the distribution and preservation of air for the human body, learn to sing it should be noticed and put into practic…