Showing posts with label Guitar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guitar. Show all posts

Fender Acoustic Guitar Folding Review

thumbnailAmerican guitar company, Fender Musical Instruments Corporation issued two new series of acoustic guitars that can be folded, with the aim to facilitate a guitarist in the traveling. Size becomes smaller after folded causing this guitar could easily …

7 String Guitar Tuning and Players

thumbnail They have generally guitar 6 string, however lately this fan has 7 cards Guitar strings Concession increase, Traffic What's Guitar Strings Hat Yai? What benefits have 7 cards Guitar Strings? Moving reckless before we start with the historical Guitar…

Innovative and Creative Guitar Instrument

thumbnail The guitar also has developed from time to time. Although these developments are not too much. but so great an influence on the wearer. As we know, most of the top musicians have Endorment Company, which is a custom manufacturer of musical instrumen…

Secrets of Metal Guitar Techniques

thumbnail This time, I will reveal the secret techniques of the guitar, especially metal guitarist to play music with metal genre. Maybe some of you have heard or a loyal listener of music metal example As I Lying Dying, Bullet for My Valentine, Asking Alexan…

Technique Makes Elephant Sounds with Guitar

thumbnailMechanical Elephant Sound is a guitar technique popularized by the guitar god Eddie Van Halen. Herman Li (DragonForce guitarist) also often use this technique as "Game Sounds" which sounds similar to the sound in the game. This technique is very simp…

Characteristics of Heavy Metal

thumbnail Heavy Metal has several characteristics, which are the hallmark of Metal music itself. Heavy Metal guitar sound is characterized by a harsh, strict rhythms, bass and drums are solid, and the vocals sound strong / loud. But on various metal subgenres…

Nano Guitar: World's Smallest Guitar

thumbnail This is the smallest musical instrument in the world has ever seen. A miniature guitar made ​​of crystalline silicon, 10 microns long (about the size of a human red blood cells), this guitar has 6 pieces of strings, the strings while the 50-nanomete…

The Balalaika - Weird Musical Instruments

thumbnail Balalaika is a Russian musical instrument that has been around since 350 years ago. Balalaika is a kind of traditional musical instruments of the Russian guitar triangular form. Most of the balalaika only has 3 strings, but there also has 4 strings.…

John Petrucci Best Guitarist

thumbnail John Petrucci grew up in Long Island, King Park, where he, John Myung & Kevin Moore attended school together. John Petrucci began learning guitar at the age of 12, he learned to play guitar after school and eventually she became interested again. Bu…

Tips for Playing Electric Guitar

thumbnailBefore playing the electric guitar needs to know the guitar work. Electric guitar is a guitar that sound source obtained synthetically pick up the vibration of the strings transform into an electrical signal, and then amplified and converted into sou…

Guitar Arpeggio Technique

thumbnailArpeggio is a way of playing a chord with not all at once but one by one. Not all guitarists can play a clean technique. The best way to learn is to first sweep picking technique is mastered separately after that coordinate. Basically, you have to le…

Acoustic Guitar Playing Techniques

thumbnail In playing acoustic guitar we must consider the attitude or ordinance that play songs that we bring to work well. Therefore, try to play the guitar in the best possible position of the left hand and right hand to be able to move as freely as possibl…

Bass Guitar and Electric Guitar Care Tips

thumbnail Have a electric guitar/ bass guitar lustrous (shiny) who does not like. If the strings are rusty, replace it. If not, is not just bad play, but her voice also becomes erratic and destructive fret. In addition, our fingers also get sick. Not to menti…

Jimi Hendrix Album Re-released

thumbnail The new album Jimi Hendrix that contains material that has never been released to be launched in 2013, this year. Full album titled People, Hell And Angels recorded in 1968 and 1969. The songs were intended for First Days Of The New Rising Sun, a co…

Differences in Classical and Acoustic Guitars

thumbnail There are some differences between the two guitars. The main difference is in the strings are used where classical guitar strings to use strings made of nylon so it is generally easier to play. Guitar It consists of a hollow body with a soundhole,…

BasicTraining - Classical Guitar

thumbnailTo play the guitar well, then we should know the parts of the guitar. In brief, the important parts of the guitar that we need to know is the head, nut, body, tuning key, fingerboard, frets, strings, sound hole, bridge, and neck. Once we know the …

Guitar Chord

thumbnailPrincipal use on a song chord consists of 3 parts:  Basic Tones  High tone  Low tone  When we would accompany a song then we should be able to distinguish the tone on the song. A little extra:Base notes consist of noot-noot: do - mi - sol = 1 - 3 - 5…

Tips and Tricks Guitar Tuning

thumbnailGuitar tune is an essential part of playing the guitar, as if when playing the guitar strings with other strings do not fit will not be good at hearing. Need to note that the standard tones on the guitar strings without being pressured is E, A, D, G,…

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