Showing posts with label Note. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Note. Show all posts

How To Read Notation Musical Notes (Sight Reading) Quickly!

thumbnailRead musical notes notation is the expertise (sight reading skills) to be honed continue at any moment by the student. How not, so we learn new songs, the ability to read musical notes will accelerate mastery of the song. From the available statistic…

Chromatic Tones

thumbnailChromatic tones are the tones that are between 2 tones within 1 (tone). For example, between C and D there is a tone of Cis / December The distance between the barrel is a half tone / semi-tone. The tones of the C major scales called chromatic tone, …

Bass Guitar Notation with Tablature

thumbnailBass tone is a sound that has a low frequency. In musical notation using low tones key signature F. Writing notation bass guitar often comes with tablature that shows the position of note on the fret. For more details see the following picture: Tabla…

Read Musical Notation

thumbnailInside there is plenty of music notation symbols, tones or scales. To Read Musical Notation, we need to learn the correct notation reading system, among other things: Fixed do is a system do remain, meaning the tone c in any scales always read 'do'. …

3/4 time signature

thumbnail Time signature 3/4 in popular music known as rhythm Walz, but today rarely use this time signature. In music theory, classification time signatures are divided into two, namely the simple time signatures and time signatures stacking. Simple time sig…

Time Signature 4/4

thumbnailIn the songs (popular), time signatures that we often encounter is a sign that measures of 4/4. Rhythm Rock'n Roll, Bossanova, Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive, etc. are some examples of the marked rhythm measures of 4/4. In material form and note values …

Barline, Rhythms, and Nature of Songs

thumbnailOn the sheet music of a song is usually listed an early sign pre-tone. This sign is known as a sign barline. Barline sign usually consisting of two figures, one figure above the third line, and the other numbers on the third line below pre-tone. At t…

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