The Oboe



Oboe is a double reed instrument an instrument length of approximately two feet. Double reed consisting of two strips or small pieces of wood tied together with wood and attached to the cylinder. The sound produced by blowing air pressure between two pieces of reed, causing both sound vibrations which are then processed in the tube oboe. Oboe tone areas are as follows:

Oboe d'amor is a kind of oboe mezzo soprano tone terts minor point is lower and is transposition instrument Oboe in D or in A. Bach used the oboe's Christmas Oratorio. Cor anglais is the alto oboe tone one point Kwint but less pure lower semitones sat down. Cor anglais is transposition instrument in F. Part is written one Kwint lower than reality sound. In the Symphony in D minor work of Cesar Frank, cor literar anghlaise which means English horn, used on the slow part. Another example is in the second part Concierto de Aranjuez for guitar and orchestra works of Joaquin Rodrigo. Bass Oboe, sounds an octave lower than the instrument in general.

Oboe first used at the court of Louis XIV. These objects emit a sad tone color but also deliver better sound make the spirit. Oboe is almost the same as the clarinet but has a "reed" smaller. This instrument has a hole and the keys that are used to nmenciptakan different tones.

The sound of the oboe is produced when the player blows air into the opening of "reed" tersebut.Jangkauan small region in tone on the instrument Oboe Bes was of tone B to G2.
The Oboe 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta Oboe is a double reed instrument an instrument length of approximately two feet. Double reed consisting of two strips or small pieces of...

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