Benefits of Classical Music for Babies in the Womb


Music for Babies in the Womb

The benefits of classical music for babies in the womb many obstetrician recommends classical music to babies in the womb says music is not just a matter of entertainment that treat the ear. The rhythmic sound of the strains can be used to stimulate the fetus that would become intelligent and creative child. Even music can be used to turn a breech fetus normal. And back into position by an obstetrician, pregnant women at 30 years of age or older, the risk of fetal health and higher levels of intelligence of the child's lower than a pregnant mother at age less than 30 years.

Music therapy is also applied to our family and the result is their children are children who are active and quick learner. According to all obstetrician was not without cause, it is the result of classical music therapy works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart could make the development of the right hemisphere of the brain in utero fetus to be better thus increasing the child's affective abilities.

Listening to classical music is actually part of some stimulation that is usually given by a pregnant woman to the fetus in the womb. Stimulation includes physical-motor stimulation by "stroking" newborn baby through the mother's abdominal skin, cognitive stimulation by talking and telling stories to the fetus, and affective stimulation by touching the baby. The more frequent and regular stimulation is given, the more effective influence. In the fetus, the music will stimulate the growth of brain cells. Stimulation is very important because the brain growth occurs most rapidly since the beginning of pregnancy until the baby is three years old.

The right brain is associated with the development of artistic and creative, feeling, language, music, imagination, daydreaming, color, introducing themselves and others, socialization and personality development. While the left brain is the place to perform academic functions such as read-write-compute, memory, time, and events), logic, and analysis. Therefore, if the stimulation is done in a balanced way, expected later born children not only have good academic skills but also creative.

Maybe all kinds of music, from traditional to modern, can also be used for the same thing. However, to date that have been studied and shown to be positive just classical music, especially Mozart. What kind of music is proven to be effective in stimulating the development of the right hemisphere of the brain of the fetus. When a child is raised in an atmosphere of Mozart's music early on, life loving Mozart will grow well in himself. Hearing the strains of soothing music, the fetal heart beat calmly as well. In fact, after being born listening to classical music played a role both for the baby. Stimulation of fetal brain development can be done since the age of gestation 18-20 weeks. Babies also can react to sound with a response such as muscle contraction, movement, and changes in heart rate.

Several studies have shown, baroque classical music (Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart) is better than the kind of romantic (Chopin, Debussy, Beethoven). Rock music actually hurt the fetus rounds. The mind should imagine fetus rotates in the direction expected. When the head is hot, dizziness, nausea, exercise was stopped and repeated the next day. After two weeks of practice, it is necessary to know the doctor's examination success.

Music therapy should not be done at night, because it will be brought at the time your baby is active habits, you will not will you stay up all night.

Benefits of Classical Music for Babies in the Womb 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta The benefits of classical music for babies in the wom b many obstetrician recommends classical music to babies in the womb says music is ...

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