Mystery Songs of Beethoven: The Genius Composer


Ludwig van Beethoven fur elise
Extraordinary musician, Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany. Of small already evident brilliant musical talent. Beethoven is also reflected in the ability of the music book creations first appeared in 1783. Beethoven learned a lot of famous musicians such as Mozart. His meeting with Beethoven Mozart occurred when a teenager. But it was only brief.

Ludwig van Beethoven none other than the great composer who creates his works through a rhythm track. Beethoven was a composer who came from Germany. Many people who claim that he is a genius, because his skills are amazing in the main set the tone. Just imagine the songs coming from the 18th century are still popular today.

High sense of Beethoven's music as a piano player is very impressive people who hear. He managed both as a player and teacher. Keep pushing musical ability to create music. Do not stop there, entering their mid-twenties upwards, he was able to publish and sell books his music without any difficulty. When Beethoven lived at the end of the twenties, he signs with hearing trouble began to appear. Of course this is very troubling symptoms of the young composers. Deaf for a music creator truly a disaster. Until one day Beethoven wanted to commit suicide. Fortunately, it did not happen.

Between the years 1802-1815, during the mid-career, Beethoven had to rest because the disease is getting worse. It was even difficult to hear. Beethoven confidence began to decline. He was afraid to meet with people and really become a deaf. Never again engaging with the community. But Beethoven still trying to create great works. Works of Beethoven's music continues to grow. Time passed, but the attention it receives more and more reduced. Supposedly, he became a composer who popular. But his work is known only continue towards success.

In the forties Beethoven, Beethoven's hearing was not functioning. As a result, he never again appeared in public and getting away from society. The result of his work the less and the more difficult to understand. Since then he created the music but only for himself and some listeners who have an ideal future. He once told a music critic, "this is not my creations for you but for the time after you."

Beethoven considered to produce creations that are not just the same as what was produced earlier, but his greatest work. In 1827, he died in Vienna at the age of fifty-seven years. During his life has produced 9 Beethoven symphonies, 32 piano sonatas, five piano concertos, 10 sonatas for piano and violin, string quartet series of stunning, vocal music, musical theater, and more. However, more important than the number of creation is in terms of quality.

His work is an incredible combination of deep feeling. Beethoven demonstrate that instrumental music could no longer be regarded as having artistic value number two. It proved that the formulation of the composition of instrumental music that has raised it to a level that is very high artistic value.

The following are the works of Beethoven are very popular until now:

  1. Moonlight Sonata is a very good song to listen to. Some even say that the melody in this song is able to increase IQ.
  2. Fur Elise song Well this one may not be familiar to your ears because, this song often in the music box.
  3. Turkish March This song has a very fast tempo, it may be very difficult for a pianist to play petty, Turkish march also familiar, because it is often played on tv.
This title is the German language which means "For Elise". Actually, this song is the popular name of "Bagatelle in A minor", a solo piano music by Ludwig van Beethoven, written around the year 1810.

No one can play the song Fur Elise?
Beethoven Researchers do not know who exactly is Elise. There is a well-known theory says that in the beginning the work entitled "Für Therese".

Therese Malfatti Therese question is Rohrenbach von zu Dezza (1792-1851), a woman who wants to marry Beethoven in 1810. Unfortunately, she marries another man before Beethoven expressed her feelings of love. Therese was the daughter of a merchant from Vienna, Jacob Malfatti von Rohrenbach (1769-1829). When the work was published in 1865, its inventor, Ludwig Nohl, one copy so the title became "Für Elise" and autograph was gone.

Für Elise famous melodies hint woman who loved Beethoven's initials. The melody begins with the tone of the E - D # - E, or enharmoni E - E? - E. Well, it's in German melody together with E - Es - E, the letter which became the tone of the song or even the name Therese Elise.
Mystery Songs of Beethoven: The Genius Composer 4.5 5 samuelkurnianta Extraordinary musician, Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany. Of small already evident brilliant musical talent. Beetho...

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